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Middle School: How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli and Snake Hill by James Patterso

Middle School: How I Survived Bullies, Broccoli and Snake Hill by James Patterso


Let's get one thing straight:


This camp's "fun anf games" do not include singing campfire songs and eating s'mores all night long...


But at least at Camp Wannamorra, I, Rafe Khatchadorian, actually have friends for the first time in my life! Introducing just a few of my partners in crime:


Bombardier (uses the outhouse A LOT)

Legend (TERRIFIES me)

My sister, GEORGIA (can't get rid of her)

Booger Eater (my BUNK MATE!)


So what do you get when you mix a bunch of 'losers' like us with a pack of really mean 'cool kids'?


Nothing but a whole lotta trouble!


Suitable for ages 11+

SKU: 9781784755539
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